My 'mystical' side is running amok lately, but these two books have me captivated...
The first is Breakfast at the Victory by James Carse. I started it years ago, sort of drifted off without finishing it, and stuffed it into the bookcase for future reference. I accidentally uncovered it when I was trying to "organize" some portions of the monster bookcase in the studio. I was pulling all the Zen-ish books into one pile and Breakfast just fell into my hands. I am LOVING it so much that I don't want it to end. I want James Carse to move into my house and talk to me for a while. Do you think he would? He lives in New York. Maybe I could move in with him???? Oh well, I suppose someone would object so I will have to make do by saying that if you want interesting ideas written about in a way that makes you think non-stop after you put the book down.... folks, this is it. I can't quite get why the last time it didn't have the same effect, but as a friend used to say ..."Horses for courses."
Then there is Life is a Verb by Patti Digh. This one comes with "exercises" about living life more awake. I KNOW how that sounds, and all I can tell you is that Digh is a good writer who makes the ideas she presents compelling and the exercises are interesting. I have not done many of them yet. However, as anyone who knows me well knows, I have been doing the Artist Way morning pages for years and I am using some of the ideas Digh presents as jumping off spaces for the Morning Pages.
No, I haven't gone all airy-fairy on y'all. I just am really enjoying the new studio and suddenly I have a place to sit and read and think and I am loving doing it.
Anyone else read either of these? Commentary anyone? Just to show I am still running in the real world. Just LOOK at that smile.

1 comment:
I'm intrigued by these suggestions and as I'm feeling overwhelmed right now, with a pile of books by my side and somehow no will to read them (but plenty of good intentions) I think it's time to slow down, maybe stop for a little while adn take time to read and think a little more.
Next week, we're in northern Sweden, where the weather forecast is terrible and where snow is predicted for Wednesday night. Maybe that's a good opportunity?
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