Saturday, April 10, 2010

Comfort over style

We all --- those of us who know me --- know that I have never had a run at having Bill Cunningham stake me out on the street as someone trendy to photograph. That said, I do NOT wear my pajamas or, worse yet, a pink flowing sheer nightgown covered by a fur coat in April out to walk the dog. I swear that when I clear the front door, even to run Sienna out for a quick pit stop, I am dressed for the street.

My feet have always been problematic. About 8 years ago I was told that the main pain was due to a neuroma between the bones of my right foot and given a prescription for an orthotic which I dutifully wore for the ensueing years. However it was getting a bit worn and I was contemplating getting a new one and then I discovered these!

and these
and for summer, these!
Danskos makes the most comfortable clogs I have ever put on my feet. EVER! Full stop. I have been wearing them for a couple of months. NO foot pain, not even a twinge.

However, according to Poppy Buxom over at the Beauty Boomer, they are now TRENDY!! I refuse to stop wearing them, and I guess I will just have to grin and bear the acclaim. It wasn't clogs that I discovered, actually. I used to wear Dr. Scholl's wooden flip flop style clogs back in the 60's. It was Dansko's clogs I discovered. Perhaps they will fade from trendy like a hula hoop so perhaps I should get 3 or 4 more pair to stash away for the rest of time...................................................................

The books, by the way ... Girl just came back from the 3rd person I lent it to and Homer and Langley was the book club book for the Heights Book Club. I loved it and it just served to feed my hoarding obsession (am I or amn't I?) about which more later.....
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1 comment:

blackbird said...

I know, for a fact, that Ms. Poppy Buxom would give you a pass on the clogs. Some rules are meant to be broken.