Monday, July 26, 2010

and yet again............

I have done this before... and I got two different results. This time was yet a third view of my writing, but I think this one is all about my abject lack of punctuation skills. I like lots of dots......... and my friends all say it reflects the way I talk. Jumping off in one direction and having it link indirectly to another, often without any obvious similarity to what was going on before. I have one friend who stops me in mid sentence and says "define link" and I have to tell her why I skittered off that way. When I studied Irish Literature in College I was told that Ulysses was designed to be read aloud or at least sub-vocal, hearing the flow of words in your mental ears.


I write like
James Joyce
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

1 comment:

Gill said...

But there's surely a connection between the fact that I submitted a blog post about Montreal and they tell me I write like a Canadian...

Go figure.