Tuesday, February 14, 2012

And then there are the two red scarves

I was really getting ready for last winter when it was COLD. No snow to speak of and only an occasional cold day this winter, but I guess I am ready for the next one.... and then there is the red for Valentine's Day.... hmmmm I didn't think of that til I already had these up.

I used that 365 day calendar and just found patterns I liked and added a garter stitch border and edging.  The one thing I do that helps with the boring - ness of the garter stitch border is slip the first stitch of each row knitwise with the yarn in front and then move it to the back for the next knit stitch.  It makes a prettier edge and I am sure everyone knows about that but I include it just in case.

When I block them I will do a closeup of the edge so you can see...
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