Friday, February 20, 2015

This took a long while to gel, but

now I am quite pleased with them as separate pages and they actually are ok side by side, I think.  I tried a gel medium transfer on this one, actually 2, one that worked out really clear and clean and one I wanted to be degraded and I think I made it.  These are from my dad's stash that I have talked about previously and the background is a piece of old paper that I found in trash ages ago.  The clear shot is my father's best friend, my aunt and a friend with Dad's friend's new car... in 1929 ish.

This is one of MY photos from ages ago.  The marquee is talking about the original Guardians of the Galaxy movie, not the current - ish one. The paper for this page is very textured, handmade I think... and the way background is from a journal I found in the building trash ages ago that was someone's monthly spending... lovely old paper..

and this is how they look together...

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