Sunday, March 24, 2013

A real work in progress

I didn't take a Before picture, but there were some sort of faded feather shapes scattered on this page.  I always thought it was for "Alexandra Leaving" by Leonard Cohen but it never felt quite right so it was languishing.  Then I started working back into the feathers and the page ended up looking like this:

Not quite what I had in mind either, so I decided that some gesso could help, couldn't hurt:

After the gesso had dried thoroughly I sanded it back a bit:

I am liking this better and I can write on it with a dark pen, which will be different.  I am letting it set a while so I can have some distance from it before I do the words...
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1 comment:

dorothypandorasbox said...

I like that. I shall look forwrad to seeing the finished article.
I actually also liked the start inage but not for the purpose in hand