Did I ever mention that I am in a book club? It has been going on for many years now, since 1995 to be exact. I haven't been in it the whole time, but I was responsible for at least one book in 1996, so I have been in the club for over 10 years. The last book we read was Lark and Termite which I thoroughly enjoyed, though there were some bits I thought could have been edited a little tighter. I don't want to turn this into a books blog, I guess I want it to remain whatever it is...dog, cats, books, knitting, redecorating ad nauseum, painting etc etc etc. However, there is a story to be told and I want to tell it.
I have met a woman up here above the GWB who has become a friend as we walk our dogs and do other things together. She wanted to start a book club. Now I am GENERALLY an optimist, but it seemed like this was an endeavor doomed to failure. We put a note up on the door of the local cafe

What a good response. You should be reading "Oscar" with the Heights book club.
Good to hear that things are happening there in "the Heights"! My book group is reading "Gand of Four", by an Aussie author whose name I've forgotten. Haven't a clue what we're going to say about it - doesn't seem to be much to discuss really...
I shall investigate your (better) titles!
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