Are there photos that sick in your mind and you pause everytime they show up in your screensaver or you flip past them in an old album?
I have several. I keep coming back to them over and over thinking there is something else I could do with them. Most of them are from my past and my parent's lives. I have combined them into single pictures like the one I used in the Holga-ized pictures. I still stare at those two pictures, me as a child and my mother as a young woman and wonder what else I could do with them. There is another picture of me that has a similar effect.. I was the first born, so there are a LOT of pictures of me...but this one also sticks with me...
I don't know what I was doing or thinking, but it is pure me, I have no doubt.
Another picture that haunts is one from much later in my life, when I was a young, broke, single parent. I had a roommate and ultimately she got married. I was big on photography even then because it was cheap entertainment.
This one is of the roommate on her wedding day. I LOVE it and have played with it endlessly in photoshop. Two things I have done with it follow the original.

I'm so glad you put that picture from my favorite "Lifetime" movie - "Shirley Temple, the Early Years" I only wished the mp3 of Good Ship Lollipop were included.
I love this entry! I need to think about what my pictures would be. Actually, of the ones of the roommate, I really love the original. The mannequin head is wonderful.
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