Monday, February 11, 2008

It is FREEZING and blogger won't let me space my paragraphs.

The wind is coming in off the river at 30 mph and it is a very cold day up here in suburban Manhattan. No snow, bright sunshine and too cold to breathe when you go out. Blogger is not letting me put a space between my paragraphs so this page looks like one run on sentence??

I did do an Etsy update yesterday. It is always interesting to see if an update produces some new people marking me as a favorite.

I loved what Clockwatcher said about licking your plate in a subtle way, so this is the other entree from Red Cat. Go there again and listen to Willy. Or, go to the Harrison and tell me who that is and what the song is. Creedence?

This was a pork chop with almost a warm Greek Salad underneath. It was amazing, figs and greens and cheese... and a puddle of really good sauce. Next time I will have my finger in that one too.

Too cold to do exciting things today. A day for curling up and reading... I am SUPPOSED to be reading The Razor's Edge for book club, but it hasn't arrived yet, though it has been shipped so instead I am looking at John Adams. I was on a kick of reading Ian Rankin but I only had the first three in the series and I gave up and ordered them all (used) but they haven't come yet either. There are a bunch of other things on my stack too.. and then there is knitting, and finishing the pins.. too much to do, too little time.

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